DocumentA11Y - Powered by Apex CoVantage

Document Upload

How this works

  1. Upload Your Files:
    • Fill out the form to upload your document(s).
    • Provide any additional information about your project.
    • Accepted file types include: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .zip, .tgz, .tar.
  2. Review Your Quote:
    • Our team will review your document(s) and email you a quote.
  3. Approval & Payment:
    • Credit Card: For faster processing, we recommend selecting the credit card option at checkout. This ensures immediate handling of your quote.
    • Payment by Invoice: If payment via invoice is required, please approve our quote via email and we will follow up with you to provide the invoice.
  4. Document Delivery:
    • Upon confirmation, we'll remediate your document according to the latest standards and guidelines.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk * :

Job Contact

Invoices Contact

Want us to write Alt Text? *

Want us to write Alt Text?*

Does your file/s contain fillable forms? *

Does your file/s contain fillable forms? *

Would you like to correct color contrast? *

Would you like to correct color contrast? *

Project Delivery *

Preferred Payment Mode

Need help or have any questions?

Write to us at